I heart MY NAME IS EARL: Quotes

Randy: Hey Joy, can you help me?
Joy: The only thing that would help your worthless, never-achieve-anything-in-your-waste-of-a-breath life is if somebody drowned you in the river. (starts laughing) I'm just giving you a hard time sweetie. Whatcha need?
Randy: I'm trying to return this letter for Earl's list, but the address has a shamrock smudge. I've been asking everyone in the trailer park to help me figure out who wrote it.
Joy: Well that's easy! (opens it)
Randy: Earl says it's illegal to open somebody else's mail.
Joy: That's the good thing about having three strikes. You don't have to worry about stupid laws anymore.
Randy: I wish I had three strikes.
Joy: (sweetly) You will someday.
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